survey swil1n #Data from Willie Stanton's Survey Book 1 # (=PDF p.79-80,83-84) #Typed in by Footleg, Nov. 2016 # Sept 17th 1960 #Chris Hawkes #Double Trouble & Doomed Grotto centreline cs OSGB:ST date 1960.09.17 #in this survey some angles are in degrees:minutes, others decimal degrees units tape feet units depth feet data normal from to tape compass backcompass clino ignoreall 204 244 4.1 - 138:00 1:00 204 is start of Double Trouble, see p. 75 244 245 15.4 351:00 - -9:00 245 246 14.1 - 154:30 8:00 245 is at lowest point 246 247 30.2 327:30 - 1:30 At top of slope, near drain pool. Roof heightens just beyond 247 248 3.1 - 182:30 14:30 Aven overhead 248 249 9.2 260:30 - -12:30 On lip of dig 249 250 5.1 - 106:30 16:00 Right in it! 250 251 15.6 011:15 - 2:00 251 252 45.4 - 216:15 7:30 252 253 26.4 343:00 - 4:00 253 254 6.8 - 207:30 13:30 254 255 37.4 013:00 - -6:00 Bang squeeze 7' on 255 256 8.3 - 259:00 -17:00 Right Angle bend 256 257 5.3 004:00 - -17:30 257 258 25.3 - 175:10 7:00 Entrance of Doomed Grotto 258 259 40.7 004:30 - 2:30 259 260 9.5 - 170:00 2:00 260 261 13.8 009:00 - -6:00 261 262 30 - 175:00 0 # 262 262 is on E' most of 3 stal bosses (picture) # Glistening Gallery starts here; is approx 234' long at F.S. 290 & descending about # 12deg. Constrictions at 69' & 120' endcentreline endsurvey