survey swil1f #Data from Willie Stanton's Survey Book 1 # p. 61-64 (=PDF p.65-68) #Typed in by Footleg, July 2012 #1st March 1953 Phil, Don, Oliver, Colin #Trats Grotto into St Pauls System centreline cs OSGB:ST date 1953.03.01 #in this survey some angles are in degrees:minutes, others decimal degrees units tape feet units depth feet data diving from to tape compass backcompass depthchange ignoreall AL a 3.4 - 048:00 -1 See p.51 Below Trats Grotto data normal from to tape compass backcompass clino ignoreall a b 19.4 184:00 - 56:30 b c 10.8 - 229:40 30:15 Top of pit c d 23.8 203:40 - 19:40 Foot of cascade d e 52 - 305:10 2:30 (small sketch a-e) e f 23.5 125:00 - 8:45 (sketch e-i) f g 16.9 - 342:00 -5:00 data diving from to tape compass backcompass depthchange ignoreall g h 7.6 - 013:00 0.5 data normal from to tape compass backcompass clino ignoreall h i 18.2 - 002:00 5:30 i j 7.8 - 007:00 -7:00 (sketch j-o) j k 28.9 194:00 - -17:30 k l 22.3 - 027:30 4:00 l m 22.9 187:00 - 0:40 m n 18.8 - 044:00 -5:30 n o 47.1 251:00 - -11:30 On Olivers boulder # o endcentreline endsurvey