survey swil1c #Data from Willie Stanton's Survey Book 1 # p. 61-62 (=PDF p.65-66) #Typed in by Footleg, July 2012 #8th Feb '53 #Barnes' Loop to Forty centreline cs OSGB:ST date 1953.02.08 #in this survey some angles are in degrees:minutes, others decimal degrees units tape feet units depth feet data normal from to tape compass backcompass clino ignoreall AY AZ 17.6 - 259:20 30:30 AZ BA 36.6 113:30 - 21:20 BA BB 10.8 - 179:30 -38:20 BB BC 20.4 011:50 - 1:00 3' before little portal BC BD 49.6 - 160:00 17:40 BD BE 24.7 333:00 - -26:00 6' before junction with rift BE BF 13.3 - 203:30 14:00 over dark rift BF BG 15.7 091:50 - 15:00 corner BG BH 36.9 - 324:20 11:30 BH BI 24.2 104:10 - -0:30 BI BJ 17.5 - 212:20 39:00 W.R. At stream level nil(?) BJ BK 24.8 121:00 - 9:00 above lower double pot BK BL 22.1 - 277:30 -0:30 low height due to stalagmite choke in high aven BL BM 35.7 133:00 - 7:00 BM BN 9.9 - 351:20 -23:30 BN BO 7.7 102:20 - 15:00 BO BP 21.2 - 317:00 6:50 BP BQ 28.5 152:30 - 9:40 BQ BR 29.6 - 313:10 1:30 BR BS 20.4 137:30 - -4:30 below boss in Shrine data diving from to tape compass backcompass depthchange ignoreall BS BT 1.5 149:00 - -0.1 bloody horrible data normal from to tape compass backcompass clino ignoreall BT BU 21.6 - 265:50 14:20 BU BV 8.5 116:00 - -6:30 BV BW 15.7 - 266:20 11:30 BW BX 28.5 117:00 - 32:30 BX BY 6.9 - 326:00 24:30 beside hook at top of 20' Drop. W.L. as sta 1' BY BZ 13.8 125:20 - -4:30 BZ CA 18.5 - 352:00 2:15 CA CB 8 125:00 - 4:00 W.L. at sta 1' CB CC 17.4 - 284:10 16:00 CC CD 74.6 137:10 - 7:10 CD CE 35 - 304:00 19:00 CE CF 28.3 091:40 - -13:30 CF CG 10.6 - 294:30 16:30 CG CH 31.4 014:20 - -3:30 CH CI 15.9 - 169:00 4:30 CI CJ 35.2 023:00 - -3:50 data diving from to tape compass backcompass depthchange ignoreall CJ CK 12.3 328:00 - -1 side of pot at entrance of passage data normal from to tape compass backcompass clino ignoreall CK CL 35.7 - 272:00 71:00 side of pot data diving from to tape compass backcompass depthchange ignoreall CL CN 3 100:00 - 2 lip of pot # CN see p.55 endcentreline endsurvey