encoding utf-8 survey HuntersHole #date from Martin Mills lodged with MCRA #typed in by Graham Mullan June 2016 #clino readings were unsigned, sign determined from + or - vertical change centreline cs OSGB:ST date 1975 data normal from to clino compass tape ignoreall station 1 "Hunter's Hole" entrance fix 1 54908 50032 244 #data from MCRA #units tape feet 1 2 -77.5 282 6.66 3 2 56 241.5 2.46 3 4 -90 - 2.05 5 4 -6 45.5 1.35 5 6 -47.5 300.5 7.55 6A 6 -23 278 4.71 6A 6B 26.5 052 3.39 6B 6C +90 - 8.65 6C 6D 0 220 2.5 6E 6 -47.5 272.5 2.8 6E 6F 32.5 347 5.22 7 6 27 140.5 5.95 7 8 -71.5 095 10.98 8 8x +90 - 1.4 #leg added by GJM from note in red 9 8x 25 152 17.2 9 10 -41 141 13.4 10 11 -18.5 031.5 5.45 10 10x +90 - 0.3 #leg added by GJM from note in red 10x 10A -35.5 200 2.91 9 9A -10 027.5 4.8 9B 9A 46.5 354 3.9 9B 9C -46.5 257 3.75 9C 9D -90 - 3.25 8 8y +90 - 0.4 #leg added by GJM from note in red 8y 8A 9.5 199 5.35 8B 8A 36.5 299 3.13 8B 8C -31.5 251 2.52 8C 8D -90 - 3.38 8D 8Dx 90 - 0.6 #leg added by GJM from note in red 8E 8Dx 42.5 179.5 3.18 8E 8F -21.5 153.5 7.52 8G 8F 27.5 198.5 5.34 8G 8H -27.5 243 2.85 8H 8I -90 - 6.1 8J 8I 7 235.5 3.35 8J 8K -33 211 3.23 8 8z +90 - 0.11 #leg added by GJM from note in red 8z U1 21 326 16.39 U2 U1 -27 327.5 8.65 U2 U3 23 004 7.02 U4 U3 37 008 2.40 U4 U5 2.5 007.5 4.85 9E 9D 45 256 2.17 9E 9F -29.5 229.5 1.43 9G 9F -22 089 2.68 9G 9Gx 90 - 0.05 #leg added by GJM from note in red 9Gx 9H 22 330 5.68 9H 9I 90 - 2.75 U3 U3a 0 023 4.5 endcentreline endsurvey