#note 1 Cave NA0072 #date 2010-02-20 #flag 1 /entrance #fix 1 719210 2150444 1569 ;GPS - Terry Bolger 2009-02-15 - altitude from Google Earth ;Entrance in a limestone outcrop. The passage descends steeply at 40 deg towards the west. Only explored for a few metres to the top of the steep passage. ;Book: Keith Batten Inst: Tiggy Dummer (SAP & Leica Disto) 1 2 5.89 315 -33 <1,0.5,--,0.3> 2 3 2.77 278 -46 <0.6,0.7,0.5,0.7> 3 4 7.61 291 -69 <0.6,0,3,0.7> ;Grade 2 survey - surveyors unable to descend drop!! #units order=DA 4 5 4.00 225 0m <0.5,0.5,3,1.5> 5 6 3.00 270 -1.5m <0.7,0.8,4,3> 6 7 4.00 315 -4m <1.5,0,4,1.5> 7 8 5.00 000 -4m <0.2,0.3,10,1.5>