encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -129.0 -129.0 541.3860500000001 525.63801 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 400 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {102.36499999999998 1 1.0} {338.581 1} ../output/componentModels/a65_highway_to_the_dales.xvi 0 {} scrap a65_highway_to_the_dales_s1 -author 2015 "Dave Clucas" -copyright 2015 "Mulu Caves Project" -station-names "" "@a65_highway_to_the_dales" -scale [-128.0 -128.0 541.3860500000001 -128.0 0.0 0.0 17.00240567 0.0 m] line label -text "A65 Highway To The Dales" 184.5 241.25 237.0 255.75 endline line wall 70.25 282.75 103.5 310.0 103.5 310.0 113.5 317.0 121.25 312.0 129.0 307.0 130.5 308.5 130.5 300.25 130.5 292.0 129.75 287.25 135.75 280.5 141.75 273.75 151.25 266.0 149.5 257.0 147.75 248.0 146.0 244.5 139.75 243.5 133.5 242.5 121.75 243.75 116.5 236.25 111.25 228.75 110.0 223.5 101.5 220.5 93.0 217.5 88.75 214.25 87.0 202.5 85.25 190.75 80.25 152.75 80.25 152.75 smooth off endline line wall 152.25 317.25 152.25 317.25 138.0 319.25 130.75 323.0 114.46 331.43 135.0 378.5 88.75 345.25 84.49 342.19 49.25 309.75 49.25 309.75 smooth off endline line wall 318.0 47.5 318.0 47.5 341.75 55.0 340.5 74.5 339.25 94.0 344.5 98.0 344.5 98.0 smooth off 364.25 131.25 364.25 131.25 375.5 143.25 367.5 158.5 359.5 173.75 327.75 245.25 327.75 245.25 smooth off 327.75 245.25 326.0 257.75 311.5 263.0 297.0 268.25 272.25 285.5 272.25 285.5 smooth off 272.25 285.5 260.75 293.75 257.0 285.25 253.25 276.75 249.75 265.5 240.75 264.25 231.75 263.0 175.5 254.5 175.5 254.5 smooth off 175.5 254.5 168.5 250.5 165.25 258.5 162.0 266.5 159.5 272.5 153.75 277.25 148.0 282.0 140.0 290.0 140.0 295.25 140.0 300.5 138.25 308.5 142.5 307.25 146.75 306.0 149.5 306.0 149.5 306.0 smooth off endline line wall 87.0 150.0 94.0 203.5 94.0 203.5 95.5 210.5 100.0 212.5 104.5 214.5 112.75 217.25 114.75 222.5 116.75 227.75 120.25 237.75 127.25 233.75 134.25 229.75 144.25 213.75 167.0 226.25 176.82 231.65 244.25 252.0 244.25 252.0 smooth off 244.25 252.0 254.0 254.25 258.0 263.75 262.0 273.25 264.0 281.0 268.25 278.75 272.5 276.5 310.0 258.5 310.0 258.5 smooth off 310.0 258.5 319.25 257.75 322.75 242.5 326.25 227.25 348.75 156.0 348.75 156.0 smooth off 348.75 156.0 355.0 148.25 351.5 136.5 348.0 124.75 343.5 108.25 336.5 99.5 329.5 90.75 329.5 85.5 329.5 83.0 329.5 80.5 333.0 70.0 325.0 65.75 317.0 61.5 311.5 57.75 311.5 57.75 smooth off endline point 83.17499999999998 150.52100000000002 station -name 10 point 91.71499999999999 211.30100000000002 station -name 9 point 107.83499999999998 220.61100000000002 station -name 8 point 121.76499999999999 238.441 station -name 7 point 56.125 299.791 station -name 0 point 102.36499999999998 338.581 station -name 1 point 119.13499999999999 321.211 station -name 2 point 135.70499999999998 316.461 station -name 3 point 151.21499999999997 313.211 station -name 3a point 136.65499999999997 289.30100000000004 station -name 4 point 157.45499999999998 266.201 station -name 5 point 156.90499999999997 234.751 station -name 6 point 251.185 260.011 station -name 7a point 262.125 285.791 station -name 8a point 321.325 255.631 station -name 9a point 354.125 165.531 station -name 10a point 361.905 144.151 station -name 11a point 348.085 106.19100000000002 station -name 12a point 332.115 87.811 station -name 13a point 332.875 65.83100000000002 station -name 14a point 313.54499999999996 54.221000000000004 station -name 15a endscrap map a65HighwayToTheDalesPlan a65_highway_to_the_dales_s1 endmap