encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -198 -2035.0 2187.0 496.6473 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 200 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {216.0 1 1.0} {-189.0 {}} ../leopard_passage.therion/resources/leopard.png 0 {} ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {1532.181 1 0.933254300796991} {-588.298 H1} resources/up_in_the_gods.xvi 0 {} ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {1381.843 1 1.0} {-210.30500000000004 H1} resources/up_in_the_gods_ext.xvi 0 {} ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {809.92 1 1.0} {200.43200000000002 H1} resources/up_in_the_gods_elev330.xvi 0 {} ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {-70 0 1.0715193052376064} {330 {}} {resources/Lagans updated elevation 1 .jpg} 0 {} scrap up_in_the_gods_s1 -author 2012 "Dave Clucas" -scale [-128.0 -128.0 13002.015748031496 -128.0 0.0 0.0 333.50239999999997 0.0 m] point 1122.7910000000002 -988.558 station -name h16@up_in_the_gods point 1111.4810000000002 -975.998 station -name h15@up_in_the_gods point 1123.0910000000001 -940.268 station -name h14@up_in_the_gods point 1196.7510000000002 -924.6179999999999 station -name h13@up_in_the_gods point 1239.101 -794.268 station -name h12@up_in_the_gods point 1269.601 -694.518 station -name h11@up_in_the_gods point 1325.401 -644.278 station -name h10@up_in_the_gods line label -text "Wind in the Wallows" 1540.5 -699.5 1540.5 -699.5 1615.5 -609.5 1621.0 -517.0 smooth off endline line label -text "P32" 1474.5 -605.5 1506.0 -606.0 endline line label -text "Up in the Gods" 1220.0 -664.0 1220.0 -664.0 1259.5 -586.5 1336.0 -577.0 smooth off endline point 1257.5 -706.5 sand point 1240.0 -760.0 sand point 1226.0 -806.5 sand point 1214.0 -849.0 sand point 1242.0 -844.5 flowstone point 1258.5 -813.0 flowstone point 1286.0 -719.0 flowstone point 1298.0 -691.0 flowstone point 1264.0 -686.0 flowstone point 1276.5 -673.0 flowstone point 1288.0 -660.5 flowstone point 1349.0 -641.0 flowstone point 1321.0 -633.0 flowstone point 1343.5 -625.5 flowstone point 1368.0 -627.0 flowstone point 1269.5 -788.0 blocks point 1287.5 -751.5 blocks point 1306.0 -723.0 blocks point 1357.5 -653.5 blocks point 1381.5 -678.5 blocks point 1388.5 -648.5 blocks area blocks l63-1588--530 endarea line border -id l63-1588--530 -close on -subtype invisible 1529.0 -580.0 1529.0 -580.0 1533.0 -615.0 1557.0 -609.0 1581.0 -603.0 1594.5 -496.5 1588.5 -487.5 1582.5 -478.5 1561.0 -490.0 1561.0 -490.0 smooth off 1529.0 -580.0 endline line pit 1504.0 -621.0 1504.0 -621.0 1514.5 -630.5 1523.75 -623.75 1533.0 -617.0 1540.75 -611.5 1534.75 -604.0 1528.75 -596.5 1522.0 -597.0 1522.0 -597.0 smooth off endline line wall 1239.5 -890.5 1239.5 -890.5 1276.0 -836.0 1291.0 -800.0 1306.0 -764.0 1306.0 -752.25 1319.0 -744.25 1332.0 -736.25 1316.0 -771.0 1318.0 -778.0 subtype blocks 1320.0 -785.0 1349.39 -792.79 1362.0 -786.0 1375.0 -779.0 1387.0 -774.0 1380.0 -765.0 1373.0 -756.0 1363.0 -753.0 1359.0 -758.0 1355.0 -763.0 1347.0 -776.0 1343.0 -771.0 subtype bedrock 1339.0 -766.0 1338.0 -756.0 1342.0 -750.0 1346.0 -744.0 1376.0 -722.0 1380.0 -711.0 subtype flowstone 1384.0 -700.0 1397.0 -690.0 1397.0 -703.0 1397.0 -716.0 1415.0 -740.0 1427.0 -725.0 1439.0 -710.0 1456.0 -696.0 1477.0 -692.0 1498.0 -688.0 1497.79 -677.18 1493.0 -673.0 1475.25 -657.5 1495.0 -660.0 1508.0 -663.0 subtype bedrock 1521.0 -666.0 1544.0 -619.0 1551.0 -606.0 1558.0 -593.0 1564.96 -590.57 1568.25 -582.75 1574.25 -568.5 1564.0 -568.25 1573.0 -543.25 1582.0 -518.25 1591.1 -508.51 1583.75 -496.75 1578.75 -488.75 1581.0 -488.0 1585.0 -477.0 subtype invisible 1589.0 -466.0 1577.0 -472.0 1577.0 -472.0 smooth off subtype bedrock 1577.0 -472.0 1569.0 -498.0 1570.0 -503.0 1571.0 -508.0 1573.0 -527.0 1566.0 -529.0 1559.0 -531.0 1547.0 -542.0 1545.0 -558.0 1543.0 -574.0 1522.0 -597.0 1522.0 -597.0 smooth off 1522.0 -597.0 1513.0 -600.0 1504.0 -621.0 subtype blocks 1495.0 -642.0 1488.25 -641.25 1477.75 -647.25 subtype bedrock 1467.25 -653.25 1436.0 -685.25 1434.0 -688.5 subtype blocks 1432.0 -691.75 1415.5 -701.75 1414.5 -694.5 1413.5 -687.25 1415.0 -673.5 1415.0 -673.5 smooth off subtype bedrock 1415.0 -673.5 1418.75 -633.25 1380.5 -620.25 1342.25 -607.25 1325.25 -620.0 1315.5 -623.5 1305.75 -627.0 1290.75 -640.25 1288.25 -642.75 1285.75 -645.25 1251.5 -680.0 1240.75 -723.75 1230.0 -767.5 1213.25 -800.5 1209.5 -828.0 1205.75 -855.5 1200.0 -877.5 1200.0 -877.5 smooth off endline point 1334.661 -736.448 station -name h9@up_in_the_gods point 1372.2610000000002 -671.328 station -name h8@up_in_the_gods point 1401.4710000000002 -683.728 station -name h7@up_in_the_gods point 1403.681 -704.788 station -name h6@up_in_the_gods point 1422.7110000000002 -706.788 station -name h5@up_in_the_gods point 1471.9810000000002 -657.518 station -name h4@up_in_the_gods point 1488.5610000000001 -646.748 station -name h3@up_in_the_gods point 1529.381 -620.238 station -name h2@up_in_the_gods point 1532.181 -588.298 station -name h0@up_in_the_gods endscrap scrap up_in_the_gods_ext_s1 -projection extended -scale [-128.0 -128.0 13002.015748031496 -128.0 0.0 0.0 333.50239999999997 0.0 m] point 954.0 -211.0 sand point 861.0 -225.0 sand point 1097.0 -208.0 flowstone point 977.0 -211.0 flowstone point 930.0 -206.0 flowstone point 810.0 -238.0 flowstone point 740.0 -276.0 flowstone line wall 1402.0 -237.0 1402.0 -237.0 1396.0 -219.0 1423.0 -216.0 1450.0 -213.0 1531.0 -210.0 1480.0 -194.0 1429.0 -178.0 1393.0 -188.0 1377.0 -182.0 1361.0 -176.0 1341.0 -171.0 1332.0 -179.0 1323.0 -187.0 1309.0 -200.0 1293.0 -196.0 1277.0 -192.0 1257.0 -193.0 1246.0 -194.0 1235.0 -195.0 1204.0 -200.0 1200.0 -191.0 1196.0 -182.0 1213.0 -167.0 1213.0 -167.0 smooth off 1213.0 -167.0 1227.0 -162.0 1236.0 -164.0 1245.0 -166.0 1281.0 -122.0 1252.0 -115.0 1223.0 -108.0 1194.0 -130.0 1190.0 -132.0 1186.0 -134.0 1148.0 -146.0 1123.0 -168.0 1098.0 -190.0 1097.0 -209.0 1058.0 -207.0 1019.0 -205.0 1018.0 -212.0 960.0 -196.0 902.0 -180.0 800.0 -127.0 800.0 -127.0 smooth off 800.0 -127.0 746.4 -123.94 716.0 -167.0 704.0 -184.0 691.0 -206.0 691.0 -206.0 smooth off endline line wall 698.0 -336.0 698.0 -336.0 774.0 -259.0 797.0 -253.0 820.0 -247.0 904.0 -217.0 916.0 -217.0 928.0 -217.0 1083.0 -220.0 1095.0 -216.0 1107.0 -212.0 1154.0 -200.0 1154.0 -200.0 smooth off 1154.0 -200.0 1187.0 -205.0 1188.0 -210.0 1189.0 -215.0 1204.0 -226.0 1213.0 -226.0 1222.0 -226.0 1256.0 -217.0 1256.0 -217.0 smooth off 1347.0 -217.0 1346.0 -231.0 endline point 1214.803 -161.45500000000004 station -name h9@up_in_the_gods point 1381.843 -210.30500000000004 station -name h1@up_in_the_gods point 639.2830000000001 -312.80500000000006 station -name h16@up_in_the_gods endscrap scrap up_in_the_gods_elev330_s1 -projection [elevation 330] -scale [-128.0 -128.0 13002.015748031496 -128.0 0.0 0.0 333.50239999999997 0.0 m] point 828.0 190.0 label -text "P-32" -scale xs line label -text "2012 Extension - Elevation on 330 deg" -scale xl 118.0 21.0 627.5 21.5 endline line wall 838.5 222.5 838.5 222.5 801.0 248.5 780.0 234.0 759.0 219.5 754.0 210.0 745.0 213.0 736.0 216.0 705.5 217.5 699.0 217.0 692.5 216.5 680.5 263.0 646.0 265.0 611.5 267.0 593.25 310.25 593.25 310.25 smooth off subtype presumed 592.25 329.5 subtype invisible 561.25 329.25 subtype presumed 561.0 313.0 subtype bedrock 561.0 313.0 557.8 291.26 552.0 285.0 520.5 251.0 540.0 200.5 516.0 209.0 492.0 217.5 450.0 221.0 431.5 249.0 426.6 256.42 403.0 283.5 374.0 293.0 368.75 294.72 275.0 298.5 241.5 294.0 smooth off endline line wall -outline none -subtype blocks 524.0 191.5 524.0 191.5 538.0 222.0 552.0 227.0 566.0 232.0 572.0 229.0 583.0 227.0 594.0 225.0 632.5 188.5 635.0 188.0 smooth off endline line wall -outline none -subtype blocks 636.0 185.0 636.0 185.0 713.5 192.5 771.5 194.0 smooth off endline line wall -outline none -subtype blocks 303.0 130.5 310.5 142.0 347.0 174.5 353.5 176.0 360.0 177.5 524.0 191.5 524.0 191.5 smooth off endline line wall 350.0 136.75 387.5 160.0 433.33 187.63 446.5 191.5 subtype bedrock 455.0 194.0 506.0 193.0 524.0 191.5 542.0 190.0 632.0 188.0 635.0 188.0 638.0 188.0 682.0 178.0 682.0 178.0 smooth off 682.0 178.0 739.29 193.38 761.0 192.5 823.65 189.96 810.0 213.5 811.0 81.5 smooth off endline point 251.73999999999995 107.30200000000002 station -name h15@up_in_the_gods line label -text "
Up In The
Gods" 310.0 203.0 361.0 203.0 endline point 279.6499999999999 128.122 station -name h14@up_in_the_gods point 351.2699999999999 192.442 station -name h13@up_in_the_gods point 629.91 207.602 station -name h8@up_in_the_gods point 453.12999999999994 198.42200000000003 station -name h12@up_in_the_gods point 640.3999999999999 210.702 station -name h6@up_in_the_gods point 602.8599999999999 198.062 station -name h10@up_in_the_gods point 649.01 215.39200000000002 station -name h7@up_in_the_gods point 655.8699999999999 196.54200000000003 station -name h5@up_in_the_gods point 723.18 202.02200000000002 station -name h4@up_in_the_gods point 742.92 200.99200000000002 station -name h3@up_in_the_gods point 791.53 200.99200000000002 station -name h2@up_in_the_gods point 809.9199999999998 199.43200000000002 station -name h1@up_in_the_gods endscrap