encoding utf-8 select speedwell_mineMP@speedwell_mine source speedwell_mine.th #export model -fmt survex -o output/speedwell_mineth.3d #export model -o output/speedwell_mine.lox export map -projection plan -layout local -o output/speedwell_mine.pdf #export map -projection plan -layout local -o output/speedwell_mine.svg #export map -proj plan -fmt kml -o output/speedwell_mine.kml #export atlas -projection plan -layout atlas -o output/SpeedwellAtlas.pdf layout local #color map-fg altitude base-scale 1 300 scale 1 5000 symbol-set BCRA #debug station-names #debug on #legend on #colour map-fg map #[97 86 38] #pale yellow ##comment colour for solid colour map #colour map-bg [95 95 95] #light grey #colour map-fg altitude #colour map-fg scrap #symbol-colour area water [25 50 100] #symbol-colour point water-flow [25 50 100] #symbol-colour area sump [10 10 100] #symbol-hide group all #symbol-show line wall #symbol-show line survey symbol-hide group cave-centreline #code metapost ### define water to be light blue #####def a_water (expr p) = #####T:=identity; #####thfill p withcolor (0.48, 0.84, 1.0); #####enddef; ### define sump to be dark blue #####def a_sump (expr p) = #####T:=identity; #####thfill p withcolor (0.05, 0.0, 0.7); #####enddef; #endcode #colour legend off #transparency on #grid top #map-header 50 90 nw #symbol-hide group cave-centreline #symbol-colour point station [100 0 0] endlayout #layout atlas #nav-factor 10 #size 18 10 cm #fonts-setup 3 6 10 15 30 #color map-fg altitude #base-scale 1 300 #scale 1 750 #endlayout