encoding utf-8 source Castleton_model.th select Castleton_modelMP@castleton_model #export model -fmt survex -o outputs/castleton_modelth.3d #export model -o outputs/castleton_level.lox #export map -projection plan -fmt jepg -o outputs/castleton_model.jpg #export map -proj plan -fmt kml -o outputs/castleton_model.kml #export map -projection plan -layout LayoutLandscapeA0 -o outputs/castleton_model.svg export map -projection plan -layout LayoutLandscapeA0 -o outputs/castleton_model.pdf #export cave-list -location on -o Castletoncavesforinputintothconfig.html layout LayoutLandscapeA0 #PAGE LAYOUT # page-setup . set page dimensions in this order: paper-width, #paper-height, page-width, page-height, left-margin and top-margin. page-setup 118.9 84.1 112.9 77.1 1.5 1.5 cm overlap 3 cm #size 110 75 cm size 105 80 cm ##105 80 color map-fg altitude base-scale 1 500 scale 1 1500 symbol-set BCRA symbol-hide group cave-centreline min-symbol-scale m #this hides all symbols smaller than m, therefore s and xs labels from above will be hidden scale-bar 250 m map-header 75 100 ne ##grid bottom ##AG hashed to try homemade grid ##grid-coords border ##AG hashed to try homemade grid ##grid-size 40 40 40 m ##AG hashed to try homemade grid cs OSGB:SK ##grid-origin 14865.01 82575.16 193.75 m ##AG hashed to try homemade grid doc-subject "Survey of Peak Speedwell System. 2024" doc-author "Wayne Sheldon, Alastair Gott" #map-comment "Drawn by Wayne Sheldon and Alastair Gott. Copyright 2024 Technical Speleological Group" map-comment "Drawn by Wayne Sheldon and Alastair Gott. Copyright 2024 Technical Speleological Group.
In Memory of the Late John S Beck.
Surveyed By: Tim Allen, Steven Ancliffe, Dave Arveschoug, Nigel Ball
John S Beck, Allan Brentnall, Luke Brock, Simon Brooks, Mark Brown
David Botcherby, Luke Cafferty, John N Cordingley, Charley Cooley
John C Cooper, Paul Deakin, Katie Eavis, Robert Eavis, Alastair Gott
Adrian Gregory, John Gunn, Brian Hague, Olly Hall, John D Harrison
Tim Horne, Terry Jackson, Keith Joule (nee Bottoms), Anthony Marsden
Louise McMahon, Mark McAuley, John Middlemiss, Ted Mullins
Dave A Nixon, Kate Nixon, Mark Noble, Pete O'Neill, Shaun L Puckering
John Randles, Alex Ried, Glyn Roberts, Roy Rodgers, Henry Rockcliffe
Luke Rowe, Matt Ryan, Angus Sawyer, Richard Shaw, Wayne Sheldon
Dave Shearsmith, Robbie Shone, Guy Smith, Sam Stringer, Ann Soulsby
Joze Taylor, Laurence Thistlewood, Jeff Wade, Tim Webber, Clive Westlake
Bill Whitehouse, Edd Williats, Phil Wolstenholme

Please note, length includes all caves and mines shown #doc-keywords "Peak Speedwell System" code metapost ### define compass rose to be shaded compass rose as per Juraj Halama, https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/metapost#north_arrows def s_northarrow (expr rot) = scale_value = 0.5; decl := MagDecl; T := identity; picture tmp_pic; tmp_pic = image ( pickup pencircle scaled 1; thdraw fullcircle scaled 4cm; thdraw fullcircle scaled 2.75cm; pickup pencircle scaled .5; thdraw fullcircle scaled 3.75cm; for whereto=11.25 step 22.5 until 360: thdraw dir(whereto)*2.75/2cm--dir(whereto)*3.75/2cm; endfor; % arrows path halfarrow; halfarrow = (+.3cm,.3cm)--(0,2cm)--(0,0)--cycle; for whereto = 45 step 90 until 315: % thfill halfarrow scaled .85 rotated whereto withcolor .30; pickup pencircle scaled 1; for halfarrowgrad = 1 step -.05 until 0: thdraw ((halfarrowgrad*.3cm, halfarrowgrad*.3cm)--(0,2cm)) scaled .85 rotatedaround ((0, 0),whereto) withcolor .75halfarrowgrad; endfor; pickup pencircle scaled .5; thdraw halfarrow scaled .85 rotated whereto;; thfill halfarrow xscaled -1 scaled .85 rotated whereto withcolor white; thdraw halfarrow xscaled -1 scaled .85 rotated whereto;; endfor; for whereto = 0 step 90 until 270: % thfill halfarrow scaled 1.15 rotated whereto withcolor .30; pickup pencircle scaled 1; for halfarrowgrad = 1 step -.05 until 0: thdraw ((halfarrowgrad*.3cm, halfarrowgrad*.3cm)--(0,2cm)) scaled 1.15 rotatedaround ((0, 0),whereto) withcolor .75halfarrowgrad; endfor; pickup pencircle scaled .5; thdraw halfarrow scaled 1.15 rotated whereto;; thfill halfarrow xscaled -1 scaled 1.15 rotated whereto withcolor white; thdraw halfarrow xscaled -1 scaled 1.15 rotated whereto;; endfor; % central circles thfill fullcircle scaled .56cm withcolor 1white; pickup pencircle scaled .5; thdraw fullcircle scaled .56cm; thfill fullcircle scaled .3cm withcolor .30; % characters label.bot(thTEX("\bf{}N") scaled 1.5, (0,2.9cm)); label.lft(thTEX("\bf{}E") scaled 1.5, (2.9cm,0)); label.rt (thTEX("\bf{}W") scaled 1.5, (-2.95cm,0)); label.top(thTEX("\bf{}S") scaled 1.5, (0,-2.9cm)); % space among characters pickup pencircle scaled .5; thdraw (dir(45)*2cm)--(dir(45)*2.5cm); thdraw (dir(135)*2cm)--(dir(135)*2.5cm); thdraw (dir(225)*2cm)--(dir(225)*2.5cm); thdraw (dir(315)*2cm)--(dir(315)*2.5cm); ); thdraw tmp_pic scaled scale_value rotatedaround (origin, - rot); enddef; ###define scalebar to be scalebar 2b as per B. Hallinger from https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/metapost#north_arrows def s_scalebar (expr l, units, txt) = % l = value of scale-bar length % units = ?? % txt = string representing units begingroup interim warningcheck:=0; tmpl:=l / Scale * cm * units / 2; % tmpl = half plotted length of scale bar from central top insertion point tmpx:=l / Scale * cm * units / 5; tmph:=5bp; % bar height endgroup; pickup PenC; draw (-tmpl,0)--(tmpl,0)--(tmpl,-tmph)--(-tmpl,-tmph)--cycle; p:=(0,0)--(tmpx,0)--(tmpx,-tmph)--(0,-tmph)--cycle; for i:=-0.5 step 2 until 2: % start drawing at the third block (leave space for smaller divisions) fill p shifted (i * tmpx,0); endfor; % Draw first part with subdivided blocks p:=(0,0)--(tmpx/5,0)--(tmpx/5,-tmph)--(0,-tmph)--cycle; % define width of segment (tmpx is length of a normal bar segment) for i:=-2.5 step 2/5 until -0.75: % Startpos, segments, count-index fill p shifted (i * tmpx,0) withcolor black; endfor; % Label of scale: Scalebar top, values below begingroup interim labeloffset:=3.5bp; for i:=0 step (l/5) until (l-1): tmpx:=tmpl * (i * 2 / l - 1); label.bot(thTEX(decimal (i)),(tmpx,-tmph)); endfor; label.bot(thTEX(decimal (l) & "\thinspace" & txt),(tmpl,-tmph)); label.top(thTEX("Scale 1 : " & decimal round(Scale*100)),(0,0)); endgroup; enddef; ### define water to be light blue def a_water (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withcolor (0.48, 0.84, 1.0); enddef; ### define sump to be dark blue def a_sump (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withcolor (0.05, 0.0, 0.7); enddef; endcode code metapost fonts_setup(12,16,18,24, 28); #font size 0.01 is invisible, but text still adds kilobytes to file size #these fonts look OK scaled half size,but 8,9 a bit small code tex-map \legendcontent={% \hsize=\legendwidth \ifnortharrow\vbox to 0pt{\line{\hfil\northarrow}\vss}\fi \edef\tmp{\the\cavename} \ifx\tmp\empty \else {\size[26]\the\cavename} \vskip1cm \fi \ifscalebar\scalebar\vskip1cm\fi {\rightskip=0pt plus 3em\parskip=3bp \edef\tmp{\the\comment} \ifx\tmp\empty \else {\size[12]\the\comment} \par\medskip \fi \everypar{\hangindent=2em\hangafter=1} \edef\tmp{\the\cavelength} \ifx\tmp\empty \else {\size[12]\si\the\cavelengthtitle: \ss\the\cavelength\par} \fi \edef\tmp{\the\cavedepth} \ifx\tmp\empty \else {\size[12]\si\the\cavedepthtitle: \ss\the\cavedepth\par} \fi \edef\tmp{\the\exploteam} \ifx\tmp\empty \else {\size[12]\si\the\explotitle: \ss\the\exploteam\quad\si\the\explodate\par} \fi \edef\tmp{\the\topoteam} \ifx\tmp\empty \else {\size[12]\si\the\topotitle: \ss\the\topoteam\quad\si\the\topodate\par} \fi \edef\tmp{\the\cartoteam} \ifx\tmp\empty \else {\size[12]\si\the\cartotitle: \ss\the\cartoteam\quad\si\the\cartodate\par} \fi \edef\tmp{\the\copyrights} \ifx\tmp\empty \else {\size[12]\ss\the\copyrights\par} \fi } \formattedlegend } endlayout LayoutLandscapeA0 layout custom_grid ##change default cross hair grid to grid code metapost def s_hgrid (expr xpos, ypos, xsize, ysize) = pickup PenD; if ( xpos >= -xsize ) and ( ypos >= -ysize ): draw ( -xsize/2, 0) -- ( xsize/2, 0); draw ( 0, -ysize/2) -- ( 0, ysize/2); fi enddef; endcode endlayout