*begin WestKingsdaleDig2 ;;; TRIP COMMENT FROM POCKETTOPO ;;; ; ; Di pda & Si distoX *date 2013.01.03 ;*declination 0.0 *fix 4-0 68601 76144 393 ;entrance to first dig GPS by Chris Camm, probably Jan 2013, GPS accuracy 5m *entrance 4-4 *data normal from to tape compass clino ignoreall *flags surface 4-0 4-1 6.374 89.2 6.0 4-1 4-2 4.216 78.6 -4.5 4-2 4-3 4.017 55.8 8.2 4-3 4-4 3.421 349.8 8.9 *flags not surface 4-4 4-5 1.340 187.4 -33.2 ; boulder above shaft 4-5 4-6 2.698 332.1 -59.3 4-6 4-7 2.172 255.8 -12.6 *end WestKingsdaleDig2