;Cave: Pipikin Pot - Red/White Wall Chamber(nearly) ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 19/09/07 ;Instruments: PAG + disto *equate pip25.001 pip02a.001 ;st001=tag in roof at Dusty Junction *equate pip25.014 pip26.001 ;st001=tag on stal on right wall *begin pip25 *export 001 *export 014 *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 001 002 00.79 - DOWN ;st001=tag in roof at Dusty Junction 002 003 07.20 078.0 +05.0 003 003a 04.85 016.0 +05.0 ;st003a is small chamber in bedding crawl to left 003 004 10.46 145.0 +01.5 ;st004 is head height sittingon rock at lip of drop 004 005 06.10 114.0 -09.0 ;st005=tag on pointed rock near drop to Dickeries 006 005 07.53 300.0 -01.5 006 006a 10.25 248.0 +06.0 ;st006a is far wall of chamber 006 007 05.61 113.0 -03.5 ;st007 is tip of pointed rock 008 007 07.05 278.0 -19.0 008 009 01.50 158.0 +33.0 009 010 01.20 - UP 010 011 05.30 062.0 +21.0 011 012 02.50 - DOWN ;climb down to lower chamber 013 012 02.45 254.0 +22.0 013 014 01.67 140.0 +04.0 ;st014=tag on stal to left of passage *end pip25