;Cave: Pipikin- from tag at Gothic Junction to connection to Hall of the Damned ;Surveyors: H.St.Lawrence/Footleg ;Date: 13/03/99 ;Instruments: 1 *equate pip19.001 pip15.040 *equate pip19.001 pip19a.000 *begin pip19 *export 001 *calibrate compass +6.50 ;*fix 001 001 002 01.15 - DOWN 002 003 07.36 202.0 -05.0 003 004 04.64 249.0 +01.0 004 005 05.97 145.0 00.0 005 006 06.76 164.0 -21.0 006 007 19.27 148.0 +14.5 007 008 20.26 073.0 +05.0 008 009 05.50 090.0 +39.0 009 010 04.96 014.0 +17.0 *end pip19