*BEGIN PoohsRevenge ;Data fron Geoff Yeadon's original notes ;Downstream Pipikin from -25m sump, Poohs' revenge ;molephone at end of leg to base of 3m pitch (rope) to base of ladder pitch over pot in floor *calibrate declination +7.46 ;Calculated mag decl from https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/calculators/magcalc.shtml ;54.1994n 2.5124w 1981.08.10 *DATE 1981.08.10 ;estimated date *EXPORT 3 10 ; this fixes station 3 to be under MolePhone point BM38 *fix 3 66533.60 79695.40 214.69 ;ev.ss05.001 *data normal from to tape compass clino *data normal from to tape compass clino 1 2 34 330 - 2 3 10 330 - ;3 mole Phone at end of leg 3 4 12 330 - ;to base of 3m pitch (rope) 4 5 7 325 - ;to base of ladder pitch 5 6 6 10 - ;over pot in floor 6 7 10 15 - 7 8 10 350 - 8 9 6 270 - ;over pot 9 10 15 350 - ;to drop into river gallery 10 11 50 340 - ; to pebble bank *END PoohsRevenge