;Cave: Pipikin-Aven off Hall of the Mountain King ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/H.St.Lawrence ;Date: 21/03/99 ;Instruments: PAG ;*equate pip16.001 pip15.012 ;*equate pip16.009 pip22.009c *begin pip16 *export 001 *export 009 *calibrate compass +4.00 ;*fix 001 001 002 02.50 +053.0 +15.0 ;st001=tag 002 003 03.60 - UP 003 004 05.00 046.0 +45.0 004 005 02.00 017.0 +02.0 005 006 01.30 098.0 +05.0 006 007 07.90 152.0 +05.5 007 008 03.45 185.0 +38.0 008 009 03.30 117.0 +46.0 ;st009 is sharp bend in upward tight rift(dig?) *end pip16