;Cave: Depot 1 - from Sandy Slope chamber to top of rope aven off main Depot passage ;Surveyors: H.St.Lawrence/D.Ramsay ;Date: 16/01/05 ;Instruments: Kit 5 *equate wr22c.001 wr22.009 ;top of boulder looking into sandy slope chamber *equate wr22c.015 wr20.005t ;2m up rope in rope aven *begin wr22c *export 001 *export 015 *calibrate compass +5.00 *calibrate clino -1.00 *calibrate tape +9.00 001 002 10.85 138.0 +34.0 ;sighting to base of sandy slope 002 003 15.15 260.0 +51.0 ;leg up (!) sandy slope 003 004 17.20 351.0 -01.0 004 005 11.35 028.0 -01.0 005 006 11.20 331.0 +01.0 006 007 12.20 299.0 -01.0 007 008 12.20 345.0 -01.0 008 009 13.70 020.0 00.0 009 010 14.90 337.0 -43.0 ;down narrow rift with sandy floor 010 011 12.60 316.0 -31.0 011 012 11.00 337.0 +24.0 012 013 11.65 271.0 +07.0 013 014 10.45 330.0 -06.0 ;stn14=on right wall at head of vertical drop 014 015 19.00 - DOWN ;stn15=head height up rope from bottom of pitch (2m?) *end wr22c