;Cave: Wretched Rabbit - from Depot Passage to half way to Wretched ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/Beth Little/A.Hall ;Date: 12/10/03 ;Instruments: PAG ;*equate Wr17.101 md4.012 ;start of depot to wretched *equate wr17.001 wr16.004 *equate wr17.005 wr18.005d ;tag at start of Depot connection *equate wr17.101 wr15.001 *equate wr17.112 wr20.000 *equate wr17.120 wr20.005r *equate wr17.027 wr22.001 ;;*equate wr17.001 wr16a.001 ;used to check wr16 *equate wr17.014 wr26.001 ;tag opposite chamber *equate wr17.017 wr27.101 ;tag in Ahaa Chamber *begin wr17 *export 112 *export 027 *export 120 *export 001 *export 014 *export 005 *export 017 *export 101 *calibrate compass +5.0 *calibrate clino +0.5 ;*calibrate tape 101 102 01.70 - UP ;st001=tag on shelf opposite wet route from Eureka 102 103 04.50 124.0 +20.0 ;lip of climb up to Depot 103 104 20.10 084.0 +05.0 104 105 10.00 350.0 +05.0 ;tag in roof, poss. passage on left 105 106 04.20 046.0 -08.0 106 107 04.53 086.0 +03.0 107 108 04.60 035.0 +05.0 108 109 04.35 074.0 +09.0 109 110 03.67 093.0 +12.0 110 111 00.60 - DOWN 111 112 08.50 088.0 00.0 ;st012=tag in roof on junction left not surveyed 112 113 12.17 111.0 +02.0 113 114 06.13 128.0 +05.0 114 115 07.80 136.0 +07.0 115 116 01.30 - UP 116 117 14.48 138.0 -01.0 117 118 03.00 - UP ;st017 to 018 is awkward climb up 119 118 02.00 338.0 -07.0 119 120 08.86 134.0 +01.0 ;st120=tag on corner, left is to aven 120 121 03.55 231.0 -36.0 121 122 01.10 - DOWN 122 123 05.90 152.0 -01.0 123 124 01.60 - UP 124 125 03.62 204.0 +06.0 125 126 02.70 162.0 +56.0 126 027 05.10 155.0 +02.0 ;st027 is stal at end station on wr18 ;Cave: Wretched Rabbit - from Wretched to half way to Depot Passage ;Surveyors: S.Lieberman/H.St.Lawrence ;Date: 12/10/03 ;Instruments: 4 *calibrate compass +5.0 *calibrate clino -0.5 *calibrate tape +3.00 001 002 05.70 352.0 +21.0 002 003 07.70 308.5 -12.0 003 004 06.75 331.0 -25.0 004 005 05.40 253.0 +33.0 ;st005=tag 005 006 09.45 020.0 +43.0 006 007 05.45 336.0 +45.0 007 008 05.50 357.5 +01.0 008 009 05.50 - DOWN 009 010 04.15 038.0 -32.0 010 011 04.40 - DOWN 011 012 04.20 090.0 -12.0 012 013 06.20 021.0 -14.0 013 013a 07.50 158.0 +08.0 013 014 10.40 300.0 -01.5 ;st014=tag 014 015 06.35 308.0 -03.0 015 016 06.83 344.0 -04.0 016 017 10.00 301.0 -23.0 ;st017=tag AHAA chamber 017 018 04.42 - DOWN 018 019 03.80 323.0 00.0 019 020 06.45 - DOWN 020 021 09.15 315.0 -23.0 021 022 07.40 332.0 -18.0 022 023 05.90 332.0 -11.0 023 024 09.60 333.0 -09.0 024 025 09.40 334.0 -04.0 025 026 12.35 325.0 -03.0 026 027 08.95 023.0 -04.0 ;st027 is big stal on junction *end wr17