;Cave: Wretched Rabbit - Upper Parallel Streamway(cont.) ;Surveyors: R.Duffy solo ;Date: 27/01/05 ;Instruments: PAG ;*equate wrc.022a wra.006 ;white mark bottom 1st climb ;*equate wrc.017 wrb.017 ; tag with inlet to left ;*equate wrc.021a wrg.010c ;top of boulder cobble above Big Rift in Parallel Passage off-shoot ;*equate wrc.028 wrci.001 ;tag at start of passage *begin wrc *export 021a *export 022a *export 028 *export 017 *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino -0.50 ;laser disto 017 018 05.46 189.0 +12.5 ;st018 is on fin with small alcove to right 018 019 01.30 178.0 -20.0 019 020 01.53 - UP 020 021 03.17 211.0 +16.0 ;st021 is on prow from small passage to Big Rift (high up) 021 021a 02.94 284.0 +14.0 ;st021a is top of boulder jammed above Big Rift 021 022 01.43 158.0 -07.0 ;st022 is below bedding squeeze to top of Big Rift 022 022d 02.20 - UP ;st022d is roof at end of bedding 022d 022c 01.32 200.0 00.0 ;st022c is placed stone in bedding 022b 022c 04.90 059.0 +07.0 ;st022b is lip of 2nd climb down 022a 022b 03.30 011.0 -44.0 ;st022a is white mark on right of 1st climb facing out 022 023 03.11 105.0 00.0 ;st023 has inlet on ledge to left 023 024 03.66 156.0 +22.0 ;st024=tag on spike to right with oxbow on right 024a 024 02.20 287.0 -04.0 ;st024a is start of passage on left 024b 024a 02.49 243.0 +01.0 ;st024b is hd. ht. at small climb 024b 024c 03.83 135.0 +45.0 ;st024c 024c 024d 03.30 210.0 +37.0 ;thro squeeze to small chamber 024d 024e 02.00 095.0 00.0 ;st024e is Choke 024 025 03.07 130.0 -06.0 ;st025 is tip of sharp flake in floor 025 025a 02.47 128.0 00.0 ;st025a is in too small inlet passage on left 026 025 07.34 347.0 -04.0 027 026 06.32 341.0 -12.0 027 028 01.26 184.0 +12.0 ;st028=tag at start of wet passage ;028 029 02.20 202.0 -15.0 ;st029 is middle of first wet bend *end wrc