*BEGIN canal *COPYRIGHT UBSS 2008 ;Cave Little Neath River Cave ;from Junction Chamber upstream ;Source LNRC Survey Data Book 1 page 11 (Copy DS) ;and Computations book *DATE 1967.02.12 ;Date commented out as Survex thinks the world began in 1970 ;Typed in by Graham Mullan December 2008 ;Surveyors Maire Urwin, Chris Gilmore, Dave Savage ;Compass 100ft tape clino ;compass read to nearest 1deg tape to 6" ;compass Calibration has already been done *DATA Normal From to Length Bearing ignoreall *UNITS tape feet ;no clino used in this section data indicates a "10ft rise" ;Station 0 is station 24 of canalbypass 0 1 100 260 1 2 100 261 2 3 100 245 3 4 100 248 4 5 88.5 250 5 6 37 259 6 7 94 285 7 8 89 355 8 9 50 272 9 10 37 253 *END canal