*BEGIN Genesis ;Little Neath River Cave ;Genesis gallery & inlet ;Source LNRC book 4 pp 51-56 ;Typed in by Graham Mullan December 2008 ;no date no surveyors AGW handwriting ;Compass calbration already done *COPYRIGHT UBSS 2008 *DATA Normal From To length Gradient Bearing Ignoreall *UNITS Tape feet ;Station 8 is station 8 of Old_World survey ;station 8 is FSP on LH wall at end of pebble crawl 8 9 48.5 0 168 9 10 26.5 27 155 10 11 28.9 -9 171 11 12 50 -3 169 12 13 32.5 -3.5 210 13 14 48.4 -5.5 147.5 14 15 74.2 -8.5 168 15 16 45 3.5 237 16 17 60.6 -6 180.5 17 18 54.3 -5 183.5 18 19 19.9 -5 143 19 20 20.3 -6 111 20 21 5 3 137 21 22 27 6 173 22 23 5.7 17 196.5 ;Station 23 is bottom of maypole aven 23 24 17.4 UP - 24 25 7 5 219.5 25 26 19 4 336 26 27 1.5 45 156 27 28 38.9 35 261 28 29 11 UP - 29 30 13.2 0 091 30 31 10.8 33 070 31 32 16.9 21 141 32 33 13.5 34 107 33 34 27.8 38 207 34 35 11.5 6.5 286 35 36 16 -2 215 36 37 34.2 1 255 37 38 12.5 8.5 187 38 39 4 7.5 313 39 40 16.6 7 247 40 41 12 6.5 269.5 41 42 15.7 19 157 42 43 19 14.5 281 43 44 7 40 251 44 45 13 UP - 45 46 7 0 352 46 47 6 34 151 47 48 15 30 152 48 49 29 40 296 49 50 30 10 206 ;Straw Chamber (bedding plane) 41 A 35 20 356.5 A B 24.8 21 006 B C 16.2 3 305.5 C D 25 -13.5 004 ;water level of inlet sump 42 E 15 10 162 44 F 12 16 322 F G 8 10 227 ; at bottom of aven 25ft high continues up but too tight ;so next leg added by GJM G H 25 UP - *BEGIN *DATE 1970.06.21 ;Survey RJ TAylor, Dick Marsh, FMT ;"100" prefix added by GJM ;Compass correction already done *DATA Normal From To length Gradient Bearing Ignoreall *UNITS Tape feet 23 124 66 -10 131 124 125 62 -4 172 125 126 52.5 -6 159 126 127 39 -2 198 127 128 23.2 -34 214 128 129 30 -9 145 ;estimate of leg down sink *END *END Genesis