*BEGIN 1452_Holeroad2 ;Dates surveyed : 060416 ;Surveyors : Sam Lieberman, Mark Smith (Killer) ;No of stations : 11 ;Plan length : 87.7199121m ;Traverse length: 163.68m ;*FIX 1 451722 4797909 0235 ;*FIX 1 451620 4797700 0235; --- *FIX coordinates (usually entrances) changed to ETRS89 datum by applying x-102 and y-209 --- March 2014 *FIX 1 451620 4797700 0228 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Altitude altered to agree with new digital maps, March 2014 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *entrance 1 *calibrate tape +1 *FLAGS duplicate 2 1 7.8 169 34 3 2 6.6 226 29 4 3 2.45 - +v 5 4 3.23 207 19 6 5 5.4 223 21 6 7 1.80 101 -22 7 8 25.9 - -v *flags not duplicate 9 8 9.6 033 38 10 9 3.55 044 -20 11 10 7.9 037 -40; stn 11 = 118 on Volvo survey *END 1452_Holeroad2