encoding utf-8 survey Shakehole centreline copyright 2011 UBSS #cs EPSG:29903 cs EPSG:2157 date 1970.07.13 team "R.T.F. Marsh" instruments team "N. Dallman" tape team "R.J. Taylor" notes calibrate compass +3.5 units tape feet data normal from to tape clino compass ignoreall #0 is psp on top of fence post at top of climb down shakehole. It is 3' from the ground flags surface 0 1 17.8 -21 084 1 2 9.9 -27 014 2 3 48 -29 063 3 4 21.7 -12 358 4 5 32.0 -16 088 #5 is fixed survey point 3' above lip station 5 "B11" entrance #fix 5 111300 200320 128 fix 5 511339 700290 128 flags not surface 5 6 41 down - 6 7 16.8 -6.5 110 7 8 22.1 -17 138 #8 is fixed survey point on right wall 15' past squeeze endcentreline endsurvey