input Mstream input gunmans equate 15@gunmans2 1@Mstream1#from p6 input bottom equate 47@Mstream1 1@bottom#very dodgy only info comes from p8 where it mentions the junction input Branch equate 16@Branch 16@gunmans2#this does not make complete sense but from p10 fix branch.1 528.9 1581.9 0 #fix from adjusted north south calculations Cbook One p10 #*Include muddy #don't know how this is linked in to the survey input H_Lroad equate 14@Branch A14@H_Lroad# due to the not knowing wether stations are from or to this could still be #one station out. equate 46@H_Lroad 47@Mstream1 input Sump_can equate 22@cotters 8@bottom#From p21 sump canyon continues from station 8 p8 #from looking at the survey it has connected in the wring place think the #numbering of bottom is wrong #*Include shaft #*EQUATE #*Include Pollnua1 #*Include Short #*Include Long #*Include Bakers #*Include BPGwest #Equate BPGwest.0a