*begin BPGwest15 ;Cave:Poulnagollum ;Survey Name: ;Description:survey of Upper End of Branch Passage Gallery West ;Location: The County Clare ;Country:Rep of Ireland ;People -B.B.Perratt, D.Royal, G.D.Witts ;Date: 11th July 1960 ;Instrument Set: ;Instruments: Prismatic compass tyoe 06A read to 1 degree ;Metal reinforces linen tape read to complete number of 3" ;All bearings magnetic ;Calibration: ;Typed in by Andrew Atkinson in October 2001 ;Adjusted for computing by Andrew Atkinson, 2001 ;Source: UBSS 1960 60-I ;The Midland series Excercise Book ; *DATA Normal From to Length Bearing ignoreall *UNITS tape feet *CALIBRATE compass +13 ;Page 15 ; ;Note ;As surveying conditions were very ;difficult and at least on one leg the ;prism was not used only CRG ;Grade 3 can be claimed. ; ;Prime survey point 0=survey point ;U100 of UBSS TRS survey 1957 ; ;Sections drawn looking downstream ;survey made going upstream. ; ;PAGE 16 ; ;Station Distance Bearing 0 1 115.0 301 1 2 100.0 323 2 3 47.0 347 3 4 77.25 326 4 5 59.5 258 5 6 31.25 217 6 7 80.0 290 ; ;Some notes put doubt about prime survey point *END BPGwest15