*BEGIN 1961 ;Poll cahercloggaun west-one, Co. Clare Ireland *COPYRIGHT UBSS 2010 ;Source red Midland series Exercise Book ; “Pollcahercloggaun West One ; Downstream survey from station 67 to 78” UBSS Library ;Typed in by Graham Mullan 24.02.2010. ;*DATE 1961 ;date commented out for usual annoying reason *DATA Normal from to Length Bearing Ignoreall *UNITS tape feet *TEAM DS *TEAM WD ;Compass bearings already corrected here 65 66 12.2 145 66 67 8.7 156 67 68 5.0 156 68 69 11.0 197 69 70 17.0 120 70 71 13.0 146 71 72 3.0 128 72 73 11.0 203 73 74 11.0 174 74 75 11.0 094 75 76 12.0 137 76 77 11.0 186 77 78 15.0 176 *END 1961