encoding utf-8 source CheddarCatchment.th # Change name to the main therion file #Surface.Charterhouse needs to be present for generation of 3d grid (comment out unselect) #But unselected for lox, otherwise you get 2 grids #unselect Surface.Charterhouse select ReservoirM@Reservoir.CheddarCatchment select WhiteSpotM@WhiteSpot.CheddarCatchment select LongHoleM@LongHole.CheddarCatchment select GreatOonesM@GreatOones.CheddarCatchment select GoughsM@Goughs.CheddarCatchment select allSumpsM@sumps.Goughs.CheddarCatchment select GoughsOldM@GoughsOld.CheddarCatchment select CheddarMinorM@CheddarCatchment #select BrockM@Brock.WhitebeamArea.CheddarCatchment #select CoopersM@Coopers.CheddarCatchment #select Coxs@Coxs.CheddarCatchment #select WhitebeamM@Whitebeam.WhitebeamArea.CheddarCatchment #select SwineHoleM@SwineHole.WhitebeamArea.CheddarCatchment #select Unknown1M@Unknown1.WhitebeamArea.CheddarCatchment #Surveys to output #----------------- #Produces plan of cave, on a single sheet export map -proj plan -layout local -o Outputs/Res_Goughs_overview.pdf #export model -fmt survex -o OutputsRes_Goughs_overviewth.3d #Survex file showing centre line only #export model -o Outputs/Res_Goughs_overview.lox #3d therion model to be viewed in the therion viewer #export map -proj plan -fmt kml -layout mendip -o Outputs/Res_Goughs_overview.kml layout local copy common #copy legend surface bottom surface-opacity 100 transparency off #debug on colour map-fg map scale 1 4000 symbol-hide group all symbol-show line wall grid off map-header-bg off statistics explo off statistics topo off statistics carto off #symbol-color special north-arrow [0 100 100] #symbol-colour special scale-bar [0 100 100] scale-bar 500 m legend-width 2 cm code tex-map \comment={\color[100 100 100]Base map data \copyright\thinspace 2013 Google.\ Image \copyright\thinspace 2013 Getmapping plc.}{} #\legendtextcolor={\color[100 100 100]} #\legendtitle{\color[100 100 100]Key}{} \legendwidth=10 cm \def\maplayout{ \legendbox{60}{10}{nw}{ \hsize=\legendwidth \northarrow \bigskip \scalebar \bigskip \bigskip \the\comment } \legendbox{10}{55}{sw}{ \formattedlegend } } endcode code metapost #redefine colour of scale and north arrow in metatex to overcome colour-assign bug def s_northarrow_CHED (expr rot) = drawoptions(withcolor white); T:=identity scaled 0.7 rotated -rot; thdraw (-.5cm,-1cm)--(0,1.5cm)--(.5cm,-1cm)--(0,-.5cm)--cycle; thfill (-.5cm,-1cm)--(0,1.5cm)--(0,-.5cm)--cycle; enddef; def s_scalebar (expr l, units, txt) = drawoptions(withcolor white); begingroup interim warningcheck:=0; tmpl:=l / Scale * cm * units / 2; tmpx:=l / Scale * cm * units / 5; tmph:=5bp; % bar height endgroup; pickup PenC; #Adjusted to make lines not stick out: 0.25*u/10,0 is half thickness of PenC draw (-tmpl+0.25*u/10,0)--(tmpl-0.25*u/10,0); draw (tmpl-0.25*u/10,-tmph)--(-tmpl+0.25*u/10,-tmph); p:=(0,0)--(tmpx,0)--(tmpx,-tmph)--(0,-tmph)--cycle; for i:=-2.5 step 2 until 2: fill p shifted (i * tmpx,0); endfor; begingroup interim labeloffset:=3.5bp; for i:=0 step (l/5) until (l-1): tmpx:=tmpl * (i * 2 / l - 1); label.top(thTEX(decimal (i)),(tmpx,0)); endfor; label.top(thTEX(decimal (l) & "\thinspace" & txt),(tmpl,0)); # label.bot(thTEX("Original Scale = 1 : " & decimal (Scale*100)),(0,-tmph)); endgroup; enddef; endcode endlayout #get the master layout settings input common_layout.th