encoding utf-8 survey White_Spot #In all cases bearings in the original are in degrees and minutes #These are converted here to decimal degrees #Typed in by Graham Mullan May 2010 #Source WIS survey book 1 pp55/6 #Replaced in the overall model by new data November 2011 centreline date 1951.12.28 cs EPSG:27700 data normal from to compass tape clino ignoreall units tape feet declination 0 degree #added to override automatic date correction. calibrate compass +11.5 fix A 347400 154430 123 #300000 100000 added to convert from OSGB ST to EPSG:27700 #ST 47400 54430 123 station A "" entrance A B 142.00 24.7 -11.5 B C 196.87 27.2 -8.5 C D 193.00 80.5 -38.0 D E 196.16 37.0 6.0 endcentreline endsurvey