layout l_p_station_text code metapost def p_station_fixed (expr pos)= T:=identity shifted pos; pickup PenB; pair z; z:=(0,.2u); %z:=(0,.4u); thclean z -- (z rotated 120) -- (z rotated 240) -- cycle; thdraw z -- (z rotated 120) -- (z rotated 240) -- cycle; thdraw origin; enddef; def p_station(expr pos,mark,txt)(text flags) = % draw default station p_station_SKBB(pos, mark, txt, flags); % now print the text if picture(txt): picture ATTR__text; ATTR__text := txt; if known(ATTR_print): if (ATTR_print="true"): if not numeric ATTR__text: p_smartlabel(ATTR__text,pos); else: % draw filled label with text next to ? p_label.urt(ATTR__text,(.5u,-.25u) transformed T,0.0,8); fi; fi; fi; save ATTR__text; fi; enddef; endcode endlayout