encoding utf-8 language en_UK source WestPassage layout l1 # 1:500 Map #base-scale 1 200 scale 1 200 color map-fg scrap overlap 1 cm # margin sizem default 1cm #color map-fg 40 surface off # turns on or off surface bit-map map-header +105 -25 sw # turns on the map header positioned at (0,0) legend on # turns on/off the symbol legend colour-legend off #legend-width 10 cm # printed size, based on scale #scale-bar 25 m #page-setup 42 29.7 39 28.7 0.5 0.5 cm # A3 landscape #page-setup 21 29.7 20 28.7 0.5 0.5 cm #A4 #page-setup paper-w paper-h page-w page-h left-m top-m #debug all #statistics topo-length on # per surveyor lengths #statistics topo off # turns off list of surveyors #statistics carto all #statistics explo all #statistics copyright all #map-comment "Copyright Mendip Caving Group 2010" grid bottom grid-size 25 25 25 m # x,y,z #debug on code metapost # xs,s,m,l,xl fonts_setup(25,30,40,60,80); #fonts_setup(,,,,); # which may be used inside of the code metapost section of the layout command. # applies to point label, applies to remark and all other point labels. # Each of them may apply to line label according to its -size option. code metapost # change centre line to continuous def l_survey_cave (expr p) = draw p withpen PenD withcolor (0.6, 0.6, 0.6); enddef; endcode endlayout select WestPassage_map@WestPassage # Detailed labels export map -projection plan -layout l1 -o 0.Maps/WestPassageMap.pdf