layout l_p_u_man code metapost def p_u_man(expr pos,mark,txt)(text flags) = T:=identity shifted pos; # u seems to be about 0.5m, our man is 1.9bu high; scale 1.9bu to be 6-foot (1.8m) bu:=1.8*2u/1.9; # Left foot Torso Torso up Torso Down Arm Backup Arm backup backdown Right leg thdraw((-.25bu,0) -- (0,bu) -- (0,1.6bu) -- (0,1.5bu) -- (-.25bu,.75bu) -- (0,1.5bu) -- (.25bu,.75bu) -- (0,1.5bu) -- (0,bu) -- (.25bu,0)); # head is thdraw fullcircle scaled .3bu shifted (0,1.75bu); enddef; endcode endlayout