encoding utf-8 survey LRDisto centreline date 2013.02.12 declination -1.609 deg # Allign to grid, Grid North +0.5535 deg (BGS.ac.uk wmm_calc) data normal from to compass clino tape extend right 1.0 - 85.86 -4.24 3.112 1.0 - 121.10 18.22 1.091 1.0 - 208.66 27.10 1.115 1.0 - 270.95 2.10 5.537 1.0 - 308.96 0.09 3.018 1.0 - 9.30 -0.55 2.717 extend left 1.1 1.0 170.81 -8.20 3.764 1.1 - 90.00 88.49 1.138 1.1 - 269.80 79.12 1.499 1.1 - 245.01 78.49 4.402 1.1 - 249.62 57.14 2.800 1.1 - 253.15 28.27 2.299 1.1 - 251.96 -1.09 2.093 1.1 - 354.81 -83.08 0.275 1.1 - 254.39 -15.62 2.157 extend right 1.2 1.1 93.59 -39.18 2.121 1.2 - 123.34 68.73 2.729 1.2 - 102.16 73.64 3.083 1.2 - 119.31 70.51 4.536 1.2 - 116.06 71.10 5.321 1.1 1.3 338.02 36.77 3.188 1.3 - 253.33 -73.35 0.609 1.3 - 241.92 -3.67 0.609 1.3 - 241.15 53.86 1.220 1.3 - 206.57 74.41 1.132 1.3 1.4 285.77 30.78 0.981 1.4 - 59.38 4.45 0.374 1.4 - 156.46 82.59 0.854 extend left 1.5 1.4 171.90 25.25 2.110 1.5 - 172.11 1.85 1.421 1.5 - 94.80 7.67 0.434 1.5 - 77.37 52.04 0.595 1.5 - 311.31 73.73 0.314 1.5 - 203.48 -80.33 1.434 1.5 - 134.13 -74.47 1.390 1.5 - 186.45 25.10 1.554 1.5 - 176.55 24.16 1.733 1.5 - 170.06 22.54 1.913 1.5 - 167.52 21.33 1.858 1.5 - 157.32 24.68 0.908 1.5 - 179.68 47.24 1.050 1.5 - 175.32 34.31 1.379 1.4 - 330.90 0.53 0.648 1.4 - 339.94 30.20 0.567 1.4 - 345.50 54.93 0.626 1.4 - 346.56 57.90 1.393 1.4 - 340.79 75.82 1.998 extend left 1.6 1.5 213.16 50.10 0.978 1.6 - 259.95 3.26 0.528 1.6 - 252.87 64.35 0.769 1.6 - 264.00 35.11 0.549 1.6 - 281.18 76.48 0.750 1.6 - 45.92 75.33 0.346 1.6 - 222.22 -79.49 0.400 1.6 - 228.29 -75.61 0.944 1.6 - 239.40 -57.59 1.019 1.6 - 180.87 42.73 0.893 1.6 - 177.59 46.15 1.100 1.6 - 183.90 9.19 0.864 extend left 1.6 1.7 180.73 -3.36 2.203 1.6 - 182.87 -15.70 2.387 1.6 - 174.20 -15.91 2.605 1.8 1.6 152.46 4.88 1.294 1.8 1.9 348.03 82.89 1.247 extend left 1.8 1.10 284.24 86.93 1.289 1.8 - 179.22 -36.29 1.649 1.8 - 154.70 -39.47 1.285 1.8 - 165.39 -52.45 1.477 1.8 - 187.93 -50.18 1.652 1.8 - 163.66 -58.82 2.107 1.8 - 190.28 -57.04 1.916 1.8 - 212.09 -61.07 1.459 1.8 - 131.84 -67.27 1.595 1.8 - 81.50 1.04 0.440 1.8 - 3.71 37.78 0.880 1.8 - 354.72 39.29 2.051 1.8 - 350.75 21.75 0.569 1.8 - 322.55 18.24 0.351 1.8 - 305.07 -61.83 1.224 1.8 - 48.32 -68.82 1.319 extend left 1.8 1.11 170.76 -63.39 3.377 1.11 - 271.90 13.16 0.496 1.11 - 319.40 -70.61 0.278 1.11 - 318.15 3.26 0.914 1.11 - 351.49 -1.49 1.075 1.11 - 14.73 -2.80 0.961 1.11 - 77.58 -10.58 0.648 1.11 - 77.98 -27.29 0.735 1.11 - 327.46 -76.29 0.290 1.11 - 358.70 5.42 2.531 1.11 - 359.49 5.58 2.161 1.11 - 359.62 5.60 1.990 extend right 1.11 1.12 359.47 5.67 2.158 1.12 - 255.13 -11.57 0.374 1.12 - 259.82 45.39 0.339 1.12 - 262.87 79.69 0.406 1.12 - 99.87 -71.62 0.296 1.12 - 251.31 -35.60 0.441 1.12 1.13 328.25 -18.76 1.766 1.12 1.14 339.05 -26.58 3.062 1.13 - 80.80 1.57 0.438 1.13 - 86.84 64.22 1.002 1.13 - 123.42 72.59 1.742 1.13 - 111.09 82.88 0.606 1.13 - 242.06 -86.00 1.071 1.13 1.15 354.16 -35.33 1.397 1.15 - 140.11 37.87 0.855 1.15 - 178.41 32.80 0.901 1.15 - 180.91 -5.61 1.269 1.15 - 149.14 -10.50 1.372 endcentreline # # grab data from other surveys to aid drawing # equate 1.15 2.49@WPDisto survey WPDisto # extract from WestPassageDisto centreline date 2009.05.29 declination -2.164 deg #Allign to grid, Grid North +0.55 deg data normal from to compass clino length 2.49 - 130.43 19.15 0.838 2.49 - 174.59 78.46 1.775 2.49 - 320.30 77.71 3.863 2.49 - 216.31 -83.86 3.152 endcentreline endsurvey equate 1.0 3.38@NDisto survey NDisto # extract from NeverlandDisto centreline date 2011.03.25 declination -1.891 deg # Allign to grid, Grid North +0.5535 deg data normal from to compass clino length 3.38 - 183.39 19.27 0.861 3.38 - 178.63 66.30 2.700 3.38 - 359.46 68.29 2.860 3.38 - 51.53 13.90 2.139 3.38 - 18.09 13.58 2.300 3.38 - 352.76 12.18 3.669 endcentreline endsurvey endsurvey