encoding utf-8 survey RoyalIcing -title "Royal Icing Passage" # SURVEY # Export station for linking to master survey equate MW9@Pony MW9 equate 36@Pony RI36 equate 42@Pony RI42 equate 1.0@HiddenPassage 36@Pony input RoyalIcing_Pony.th input RI_HiddenPassage.th #SCRAPS input UF_RoyalIcing_s1.th2 input Snippets_RI.th2 input UF_RoyalIcing_s2.th2 #NOTE join start=0!! join wall_RIs2_W:0 wall_RIs1_3:0 join wall_RIs2_W:end wall_RIs1_3:4 join wall_RIs2_E:end wall_RIs1_1:end join wall_RIs2_E:0 wall_RIs1_SE:0 input UF_RoyalIcing_s3.th2 join wall_RIs3_NE:0 wall_RIs1_SE:4 join wall_RIs3_Pillar:0 wall_RIs1_SE:end join wall_RIs3_NW:0 wall_RIs1_SW:end # MAP input UF_RoyalIcing_s4.th2 map RoyalIcing_m1 RoyalIcing_s2 RoyalIcing_s3 break RoyalIcing_s4 RoyalIcing_s1 break Snippets_RI_s1 endmap # Include some extra bits of survey to assist the drawing equate 9@MW MW9 survey MW # from Leg2.Malcolms_Way centreline flags duplicate date 2007.06.02 #declination -3.003 deg # BGS at 2007.06.02 (2007.51) 51.2987N 2.71038W #declination -3.016 deg # BGS at 2007.06.02 51.2987N 2.71038W 0.2Km 2010 Mode. Updated Nov 2011 # http://www.geomag.bgs.ac.uk/gifs/wmm_calc.html declination -2.463 deg # Allign to grid, Grid North +0.5535 deg data normal from to length compass clino left right up down 6 7 5.12 054 +11.5 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.3 # 7 7 8 1.52 157 +37 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.5 # 8 REVERSED 8 9 2.50 23.5 +6 1.5 0.8 0.8 1.3 # 9 Permanent 9 10 7.30 27 -0.5 0.6 0.3 3.3 0.6 # 10 10 11 5.40 11.5 -3.5 1.6 0.4 0.3 0.1 # 11 11 12 10.15 309 7 1.5 0.9 7.1 0.6 # 12 REVERSED 12 13 11.62 289 +16 0 1.8 4.9 1.6 # 13 endcentreline endsurvey #MW equate 1@EP 36@Pony survey EP # from EastPassage centreline date 2008.06.13 declination -2.308 deg # Allign to grid, Grid North +0.5535 deg flags duplicate data normal from to length compass clino left right up down # 1 is fixed station 36@RI 1 2 4.50 094 -03 [3.7 1.6] [10.2 2.8] [0.8 6.0] [3.0 1.5]# 2 on boulder 2 3 5.54 050 -15 6.0 1.5 2.3 2.3 # 3 on boulder 3 4 4.46 021 -24 0.0 2.4 2.8 1.2 # 4 LH wall 4 5 8.04 107 +0 2.1 2.6 0 0.8 # 5 low ceiling above taped off mud endcentreline endsurvey endsurvey #EP