encoding utf-8 survey StreamwayRegained centreline date 2012.03.24 instrument compass "Ben's DistoX" team "Ben Cooper" # At same time as this survey, Tim and Peat took Compass and Clino into Leat Inlet. Julie assisted. #declination -2.294 deg # BGS at 2012.03.24 51.2987N 2.71038W # http://www.geomag.bgs.ac.uk/gifs/wmm_calc.html declination -1.741 deg # Allign to grid, Grid North +0.5535 deg station 1.0 "Sharp point on LHS (South) of rock in middle of stream" station 1.1 "Tip of flake of rock on RHS (North) of passage - should be the same as Tim's second station" station 1.2 "Tip of triangular ear in centre of top edge of rock, climbed over" station 1.3 "side tip of flake of stal" station 1.4 "Small stal boss, about 4cm in diameter" station 1.5 "Wall RHS (North)" station 1.6 "RHS of small ridge of stal on flowstone 'floor' just before squeeze continuation" station 1.7 "Shot into aven, I had to come back from 1.6 to get shot" station 1.8 "Longest shot achieved into continuation" station 1.9 "On ear of flowstone on RH (south) wall" station 1.10 "Tip of boulder on floor" station 1.11 "Small rounded rock protusion pointing back up stream on LH (North) wall" station 1.12 "Screw, fixed survey station" data normal from to compass clino tape extend right flags duplicate 1.0 1.1 295.48 9.68 6.126 flags not duplicate 1.0 - 212.55 -29.33 0.241 1.0 - 28.08 6.07 0.577 1.0 - 63.94 69.50 0.728 1.0 - 41.34 45.87 0.826 1.0 - 43.93 84.92 1.710 1.0 - 18.30 81.64 0.920 1.0 - 161.57 89.79 0.860 1.0 - 216.40 -37.85 0.683 1.0 - 23.67 -40.12 0.625 1.0 1.2 113.52 4.39 3.602 1.2 - 30.53 18.94 0.628 1.2 - 31.77 55.04 0.491 1.2 - 41.47 88.19 1.820 1.2 - 207.43 58.75 2.063 1.2 - 206.47 57.04 3.394 1.2 - 203.50 23.61 1.853 1.2 - 206.04 7.21 0.390 1.2 - 227.66 50.80 0.796 1.2 - 215.88 -50.17 0.759 1.2 1.3 197.28 33.72 1.393 1.3 - 201.53 74.34 2.512 1.3 - 28.97 85.10 2.249 1.3 - 116.05 87.13 3.953 1.4 1.3 105.99 -17.29 3.092 1.4 - 190.87 1.26 0.228 1.4 - 20.52 -4.58 0.200 1.4 - 8.22 82.82 1.455 1.4 - 187.79 79.29 1.668 1.4 1.5 291.57 -1.07 3.169 1.5 - 202.04 -53.47 0.667 1.5 - 170.61 75.40 2.139 1.5 - 123.51 79.94 1.971 1.5 - 338.20 -80.35 0.611 1.5 1.6 283.17 8.90 2.617 1.6 1.8 283.54 -3.56 8.337 1.6 - 62.61 80.98 1.983 1.6 - 179.88 67.32 2.487 1.6 - 190.52 54.23 1.171 1.6 - 196.95 18.36 0.705 1.6 - 343.13 -69.11 0.358 1.6 1.7 240.96 70.14 4.276 1.6 - 262.82 3.24 0.673 1.6 - 224.15 9.19 0.777 1.6 - 130.13 8.64 0.918 1.3 - 296.97 7.96 1.213 1.3 - 354.91 3.53 1.333 1.2 - 332.65 -21.90 1.051 1.2 1.2a 309.71 -15.54 1.728 1.2 - 164.09 7.43 2.181 1.2 - 127.75 -3.39 2.284 1.2 - 109.60 -22.08 3.243 1.2 - 267.27 -2.50 0.253 1.2 - 260.24 6.35 0.760 1.2 1.9 124.97 -10.82 3.320 1.9 1.10 94.72 -42.10 2.373 1.10 - 197.36 12.76 0.399 1.10 - 199.59 66.48 1.420 1.10 - 205.42 73.38 0.863 1.10 - 27.36 56.91 0.765 1.10 - 20.17 29.66 0.661 1.10 - 21.83 6.27 1.025 1.10 - 17.71 -25.06 0.635 1.10 - 20.23 -45.93 0.624 1.10 1.11 104.08 -7.98 3.142 1.11 - 200.60 -71.10 0.439 1.11 - 200.28 -28.73 0.763 1.11 - 198.90 49.65 1.030 1.11 - 189.97 77.63 0.782 1.11 - 31.78 70.58 0.326 1.11 - 226.25 -13.24 0.869 1.11 - 228.80 -18.47 1.847 1.11 - 234.38 -17.42 1.814 1.11 - 252.51 -2.32 1.135 1.11 - 140.31 -31.54 0.753 1.11 1.12 121.68 8.35 4.816 1.12 - 24.69 4.18 1.234 1.12 - 34.31 -37.80 0.454 1.12 - 230.19 -89.18 0.545 1.12 - 220.31 -72.86 1.584 1.12 - 219.85 -41.85 1.722 1.12 - 219.30 -32.95 0.484 1.12 - 253.38 62.55 0.736 1.12 - 268.58 68.67 0.333 1.12 - 338.54 -5.29 1.713 1.12 - 332.91 -3.46 2.484 1.12 - 320.49 -6.85 2.061 1.12 - 300.95 -2.98 3.150 1.12 - 279.48 -5.21 1.421 endcentreline endsurvey