encoding utf-8 survey R6 centreline cs OSGB:ST date 1969 05 16 #Source WIS survey book 2 pp63/4 data normal from to compass clino tape ignoreall units tape feet #calibrate compass +8.16 calibrate compass -0.33 #altered to allow for automatic mag dev correction. 464 465 - down 10.5 465 466 - up 2.8 466 467 273.33 -56.5 16.1 467 468 335.50 -31.5 14.7 468 469 309.83 -46.0 15.6 469 470 326.50 13.0 9.4 470 471 342.66 -4.5 5.3 #471 drillmark on east wall 4' up 2' below roof endcentreline endsurvey R6