encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -128.0 -128.0 3021.695 974.455 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 100 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {295.28 1 1.0} {610.237 0} upstreamE0.xvi 0 {} scrap upstreamSE0_1 -projection [elevation 0] -scale [-128.0 -128.0 3021.695 -128.0 0.0 0.0 80.002253 0.0 m] point 336.0 -71.0 label -scale m -text [Elevation of Show Cave and Sumps 1a and 1b projected on 000 degrees] line border -id l32-231-258 -visibility off 227.5 276.0 233.5 238.5 endline line border -id l31-267-533 -visibility off 280.5 531.5 240.0 531.5 adjust horizontal endline line wall 2723.5 470.25 2717.0 485.5 2718.3 496.45 2723.5 501.0 2731.5 508.0 2742.25 516.0 2746.25 523.0 smooth off endline line border -id l30-2567-520 -visibility off 2653.0 411.0 2734.0 456.75 2746.25 523.0 2521.75 522.75 adjust horizontal endline line wall -id l29-2556-447 233.5 238.5 241.5 238.5 281.0 249.5 293.0 253.5 305.0 257.5 377.0 266.0 388.0 270.0 399.0 274.0 505.0 276.5 514.0 275.5 523.0 274.5 565.5 274.5 585.5 275.5 605.5 276.5 717.07 282.04 797.0 289.0 863.0 294.75 911.18 308.6 985.0 315.0 1039.75 319.75 1118.86 318.7 1161.0 321.0 1188.5 322.5 1284.09 332.75 1350.0 361.0 1364.0 367.0 1425.59 395.06 1455.0 381.0 1478.0 370.0 1555.0 385.0 1559.0 388.0 1563.0 391.0 1646.0 410.0 1656.0 414.0 1666.0 418.0 1701.0 429.0 1709.0 429.0 1717.0 429.0 1733.0 436.0 1738.0 442.0 1743.0 448.0 1730.97 471.92 1758.0 462.0 1785.25 452.0 1835.0 429.25 1847.0 428.0 1858.35 426.82 1898.0 438.0 1910.0 443.0 1922.0 448.0 1958.0 462.0 1974.0 464.0 1990.0 466.0 2059.0 461.0 2076.0 462.0 2093.0 463.0 2163.0 454.0 2177.0 452.0 2191.0 450.0 2311.0 435.0 2326.0 439.0 2341.0 443.0 2421.0 455.0 2437.0 458.0 2453.0 461.0 2482.0 477.0 2507.0 467.0 2532.0 457.0 2653.0 411.0 2653.0 411.0 smooth off endline line wall -id l28-251-513 286.75 612.25 272.5 602.5 260.0 580.0 259.0 573.0 258.0 566.0 249.0 529.0 249.0 529.0 smooth off 253.0 487.0 252.0 423.0 247.0 365.0 248.0 306.0 243.0 286.0 227.5 276.0 endline line wall -id l7-2418-501 2521.75 522.75 2506.75 518.75 2364.5 487.75 2343.0 485.0 2322.56 482.39 2181.0 494.0 2158.0 498.0 2135.0 502.0 2022.0 515.0 2002.0 513.0 1982.0 511.0 1934.0 498.0 1902.0 492.0 1870.0 486.0 1847.0 488.0 1816.0 499.0 1785.0 510.0 1766.0 541.0 1752.0 533.0 1738.0 525.0 1735.0 492.0 1726.0 491.0 1717.0 490.0 1700.0 501.0 1688.0 501.0 1676.0 501.0 1652.5 496.75 1643.0 493.75 1634.79 491.16 1564.87 472.72 1557.0 469.25 1543.06 463.1 1489.0 449.0 1475.0 443.0 1461.0 437.0 1253.04 363.38 1235.0 360.0 1180.25 349.75 988.0 347.0 960.0 346.0 919.03 344.54 784.25 320.0 695.0 319.0 675.78 318.78 500.0 353.0 490.0 356.0 480.0 359.0 446.0 373.0 429.0 357.0 412.0 341.0 399.0 305.0 379.0 303.0 359.0 301.0 272.0 279.0 270.0 287.0 268.0 295.0 266.0 344.0 266.0 344.0 smooth off 266.0 344.0 264.0 394.0 266.0 403.0 268.0 412.0 270.0 451.0 270.0 460.0 270.0 469.0 266.0 518.0 266.0 518.0 smooth off 272.0 534.0 272.0 534.0 297.0 576.0 300.0 581.0 303.0 586.0 307.0 606.0 307.0 606.0 smooth off endline point 2656.3 521.657 station -name 160 point 2495.87 482.287 station -name 150 point 2354.53 450.787 station -name 142.5 point 2305.51 444.887 station -name 140 point 2155.12 456.697 station -name 130 point 2005.12 478.347 station -name 120 point 1854.53 468.507 station -name 110 point 1749.41 480.317 station -name 103 point 1714.57 437.007 station -name 100 point 1698.23 437.007 station -name 99 point 1526.97 391.737 station -name 90 point 1409.06 385.827 station -name 84 point 1335.04 362.207 station -name 80 point 1244.1 352.367 station -name 74 point 1167.13 342.517 station -name 70 point 985.43 332.677 station -name 60 point 805.32 305.117 station -name 50 point 624.21 287.397 station -name 40 point 442.72 277.557 station -name 30 point 405.91 281.497 station -name 28 point 260.04 253.937 station -name 20 point 260.04 285.437 station -name 17 point 260.04 531.497 station -name 4.5 point 295.28 610.237 station -name 0 area sump l30-2567-520 l7-2418-501 l31-267-533 l28-251-513 l32-231-258 l29-2556-447 endarea endscrap