encoding utf-8 survey Mitchells input Mitchells.th2 map MitchellsM MitchellsSPl1 break MitchellsSPl2 endmap centreline date 2010.11.11 copyright 2010 "Creative Commons BY NC SA" team "Andrew Atkinson" notes team "John Cooper" instruments team "Alison Moody" dog instrument instruments UBSS2-distoX # explo-date # explo-team "" #AAs calibration check after trip # 1.3 - 89.62 18.70 3.493 #Before trip calibration in Entrance data normal from to compass clino tape extend right 1.0 - 2.66 4.22 0.734 1.0 - 273.33 84.08 1.671 1.0 - 59.30 72.27 2.058 1.0 - 6.07 70.76 2.209 1.0 - 100.70 21.55 4.347 1.0 - 181.62 33.54 3.019 1.0 - 201.77 48.74 2.167 1.0 - 168.57 2.20 4.307 1.0 1.1 98.40 30.60 1.471 1.1 - 167.94 -6.69 4.317 1.0 1.2 251.47 9.03 3.619 1.2 - 234.57 86.49 1.043 1.2 - 4.60 38.76 2.657 1.2 - 28.27 -0.22 3.137 1.2 - 202.03 -11.38 6.331 1.2 - 183.23 -30.62 0.577 1.2 - 358.32 4.39 4.403 1.2 - 352.71 0.62 4.415 1.2 - 2.58 -2.56 3.199 1.2 - 350.29 5.94 3.679 1.2 - 336.32 2.03 4.238 1.2 - 150.01 0.34 3.991 1.3 1.2 89.72 3.78 5.832 1.3 - 94.09 84.22 1.255 1.3 - 40.45 -49.84 0.870 1.3 - 217.48 -6.54 1.582 1.3 - 10.38 -11.12 1.680 1.3 - 37.10 11.19 4.960 1.3 - 156.87 -15.99 5.288 1.3 - 36.71 7.30 2.078 1.3 - 343.91 11.49 2.560 1.3 - 352.75 25.88 5.533 1.3 - 295.13 25.99 3.384 endcentreline centreline date 2010.11.25 copyright 2010 "Creative Commons BY NC SA" team "Andrew Atkinson" notes team "John Cooper" instruments team "Alison Moody" dog instrument instruments UBSS2-distoX data normal from to compass clino tape extend right 1.3 1.4 317.47 38.15 7.598 extend right 1.4 - 58.01 4.69 1.894 1.4 - 39.87 78.37 6.873 1.4 - 11.98 83.78 7.786 1.4 - 357.64 84.65 9.131 1.4 - 285.43 80.43 9.363 1.4 - 270.03 79.89 12.688 1.4 - 256.99 75.43 16.192 1.4 - 229.90 16.86 1.627 1.4 - 69.72 -81.96 1.197 1.4 - 236.92 60.78 5.002 1.5 1.4 143.44 -36.17 6.124 1.5 - 59.26 -0.61 2.704 1.5 - 240.32 -1.40 1.352 1.5 - 239.46 -59.20 1.134 1.5 - 217.41 82.22 4.988 1.5 - 202.42 72.55 13.233 1.5 - 117.22 -3.19 2.426 1.5 - 63.89 48.44 1.795 1.5 - 357.26 11.91 4.516 1.5 1.6 316.41 31.86 7.255 1.6 - 55.96 2.74 1.467 1.6 - 230.77 3.47 0.711 1.6 - 163.04 87.21 1.761 1.6 - 6.96 -40.84 1.113 1.6 - 280.22 -3.84 2.762 1.6 - 278.72 -3.64 0.991 1.6 - 347.43 10.99 4.034 1.6 - 304.76 8.22 5.966 1.6 1.7 328.25 -4.66 4.861 1.7 1.8 338.78 -20.65 2.282 1.7 - 238.02 12.14 0.247 1.7 - 222.14 81.20 0.556 1.7 - 2.96 -79.93 2.434 flags duplicate 1.6 1.9 291.47 -1.08 2.914 flags not duplicate 1.9 - 79.84 69.67 1.860 1.9 - 252.32 17.16 0.200 1.9 - 77.73 1.73 3.882 1.9 - 93.64 -67.43 1.436 1.9 - 161.60 -35.48 3.689 extend left 1.9 1.10 127.20 -61.02 3.988 1.11 1.10 290.83 49.21 1.644 1.11 - 202.25 85.92 0.668 1.11 - 222.03 8.08 0.456 1.11 - 276.71 -88.14 0.526 1.12 1.11 359.49 56.80 1.832 1.12 - 113.48 12.28 0.221 1.12 - 239.68 83.88 0.576 1.12 - 275.53 15.66 0.700 1.12 - 282.04 -29.92 0.553 1.12 1.13 187.33 -0.44 2.209 1.13 - 81.43 4.57 0.276 1.13 - 180.69 82.05 1.208 1.13 - 105.26 -62.38 0.935 1.13 1.14 150.01 -6.35 1.844 1.3 1.15 136.55 -10.32 9.216 1.15 - 222.76 -5.09 0.980 1.15 - 354.29 89.21 0.726 1.15 - 37.24 24.23 5.239 1.15 - 57.07 15.98 3.997 1.15 - 77.45 11.35 2.699 1.15 - 116.24 -4.63 1.970 1.15 - 159.80 -21.39 1.993 1.15 - 196.04 -31.33 2.046 flags duplicate 1.15 1.16 182.19 -9.06 1.112 extend right 1.15 1.17 260.28 3.45 1.745 flags not duplicate extend left 1.15 1.18 158.28 -37.21 2.155 1.18 - 191.64 -22.40 0.370 1.18 - 3.18 -13.42 0.185 1.18 - 245.62 -61.97 0.449 1.18 - 277.31 84.13 0.769 1.18 1.19 82.18 -11.25 1.424 1.19 - 317.76 -0.85 0.470 1.19 - 337.71 81.08 0.425 1.19 - 9.92 -19.09 0.657 endcentreline endsurvey