encoding utf-8 survey SkeletonSump input SkeletonSump.th2 map SkeletonSumpM SkeletonSumpSP1 endmap centreline date 2015.08.26 team "Andrew Atkinson" notes team "Duncan Price" instruments explo-date 2015.08.22 explo-team "Andrew Atkinson" explo-team "Duncan Price" #NB Only the 3m depth reading and 25m marker on the line at exit were actually taken. #Other bearings, distances and depths are estimated , could not read compass data diving station count depth newline compass ignoreall calibrate depth 0 -1 #makes depths positive 3 is deeper than 2 0 0 0 180 Taken from splay into sump in Skeleton.th 1 8 3 #Depth read by AA on previous dive 100 2 11 1 80 3 14 1 140 Taken from reverse of splay of 319 into sump in Skeleton2.th 4 25 0 #Line belay endcentreline endsurvey