encoding utf-8 source Bagpit.th select BagpitE320M@Bagpit -map-level 1 select BagpitPM@Bagpit -map-level 1 #Order of export is important for the combined output export map -layout elevation -proj [elevation 320] -o BagpitE320.pdf export model -o Bagpitth.3d export map -layout plan -o BagpitP.pdf export map -layout combined -proj [elevation 320] -o Bagpit.pdf export model -cs EPSG:27700 -fmt esri -output BagpitModel.shp layout GIS cs EPSG:27700 endlayout layout plan copy local symbol-hide special north-arrow symbol-hide special scale-bar statistics topo off map-header-bg off map-header 88 80 nw legend on legend-columns 1 legend-width 50 mm overlap 1 mm code tex-map \cavename={} \cavedepth={} \cavelength={} endcode endlayout layout combined copy local grid-coords border grid bottom map-header-bg on legend off map-comment "Drawn, using Therion, by Andrew Atkinson.
\ Survey UBSS/WCC
\ With thanks to all the other cavers past and present \ that have made
information available.
\ Data available at www.cave-registry.org.uk
\ Grade UISv1 6-4-BEF
\ Copyright 2018-9 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
\ Heights in metres AOD. Directions and coordinates to OS Grid" #map-image -3 98 sw BagpitP.pdf overlap 9 mm code tex-map %\framethickness=0.5mm %Puts a boder round the whole survey \def\maplayout{ \legendbox{3}{102}{SW}{\loadpicture{D:/Graham/Documents/cave Survey data/registry Repository/CheddarCatchment/Bagpit/BagpitP.pdf}} %has to be full path \legendbox{57}{95}{SW}{\scalebar} \legendbox{113}{90}{NE}{\loadpicture{D:/Graham/Documents/cave Survey data/registry Repository/CheddarCatchment/Bagpit/20181218_2_scaled.JPG}\hsize=7 cm \smallskip Pete Buckley climbing the pitch \it Alison Moody} \legendbox{-6}{100}{SW}{\northarrow} \legendbox{0}{-4}{SW}{\size[40]\the\cavename\hskip2em\size[16]\the\cavelengthtitle: \the\cavelength\bigskip ST 49360 52192 255 \hskip3.2em\size[16]\the\cavedepthtitle: \the\cavedepth} \legendbox{113}{-4}{SE}{\the\comment} \comment={{\size[30]\color[100 100 100]FD}} %covers up the grid marker I do not want \legendbox{114}{118}{SW}{\hbox\the\comment} } endcode endlayout layout local copy common colour map-fg map colour map-bg [100 100 100] colour-legend off #Turn on/off the maps legend grid-size 10 10 5 m grid-coords off debug off scale 1 140 symbol-hide point station symbol-hide line border rotate 40 symbol-hide group cave-centreline code metapost def p_entrance_Ched (expr pos,theta,sc,al)= U:=(.25u,0.7u); T:=identity aligned al rotated theta scaled sc shifted pos; thdraw (-.25u,-0.7u)--(0,.7u)--(.25u,-.7u)--cycle; enddef; initsymbol("p_entrance_Ched") def l_arrow_Ched (expr P, Q) = T:=identity; %pickup PenC; thdrawoptions(dashed dashpattern( on 1bp off 5bp) scaled (1 * optical_zoom) withpen PenC); thdraw P; thdrawoptions(); p := (-.1u,-.25u)--(0,0)--(.1u,-.25u); if odd Q: draw p rotated (angle(thdir(P,0))+90) shifted (point 0 of P); fi; if Q>1: draw p rotated (angle(thdir(P,length P))-90) shifted (point infinity of P); fi; enddef; initsymbol("l_arrow_Ched") endcode symbol-assign point entrance Ched symbol-assign line arrow Ched endlayout input ../common_layout.th